Launching PSA-Affiliated Projects

affiliated projects

Nicholas Coles


January 31, 2022

Today, the PSA is launching a pilot of a new stream of activity called “PSA-affiliated projects”.

Due to resource and infrastructure constraints, the PSA is limited in the number of projects it can officially support. Nonetheless, members of the PSA often self-organize to create initiatives and collaborations that are not “officially” supported by the PSA, but are nonetheless guided by PSA principles and policies. The goal for the PSA-affiliated project line is to develop a formal mechanism for recognizing, promoting, and supporting these types of activities.

Official policies and infrastructure will be developed along the way, but PSA-affiliated projects will be expected to follow three rules:

1. Be led by at least one member of the PSA who has agreed to abide by the PSA Code of Conduct.

2. Follow the five PSA Core Principles (or transparently articulate why those principles are not followed).

3. Provide annual updates on how PSA core principles are being upheld (until the project is completed).

To pilot this initiative, we will start with one project: "The Preference-Matching Project: Testing the Predictive Validity of Ideal Partner Preference-Matching Across Cultures", led by Paul Eastwick, Jehan Sparks, Eli J. Finkel, & Eva M. Meza. This project provides a unique opportunity to test the PSA-affiliated initiative because it was originally accepted with minor revisions by the PSA Study Selection Committee--but placed on a waitlist due to PSA resource constraints. PSA committees will not offer direct support to this project, but we suspect that many members of the PSA would be interested in contributing.

See the following links for a manuscript draft and recruitment flyer.

If members of the PSA seem interested in more of these types of initiatives, we will consider expanding this program in the future!