Timeline for late 2017 and early 2018


Chris Chartier


October 25, 2017

Here is a brief run-down of our timeline for the remainder of 2017 and early 2018. Currently happening: Review the 8 (quite interesting and promising) submissions that we received in response to our first call for studies. November 2017: Make final selections for which studies to include in our initial data collection sessions. December 2017: Finalize all data collection materials, protocols, and data analytic plans for selected studies in collaboration with the proposing authors of the selected studies. December 2017: Pair data collection teams with selected studies based on power analyses, match between lab resources and the demands of the selected studies, and the overall data collection capacity of the network. Early 2018: Submit our commentary paper introducing the Psychology Science Accelerator’s mission, core principles, policies, promise, and likely challenges. Early 2018: Commence data collection on our first empirical projects! Early 2018: Seek funding to support general development of the Accelerator and to facilitate data collection for resource intensive studies. 2018 and forever onward: Re-evaluate our policies and procedures based on public feedback and lessons learned from our first round of study selection, data collection team matching, and the logistics of early data collection. 2018 and forever onward: Review and accept more study submissions and collect LOTS of data. 2018 and forever onward: Recruit more researchers all around the world to contribute in any way they can to the Psychological Science Accelerator! This, of course, is the optimistic version :)